Hello Smart Start Parents!
Smart Start begins Tuesday, Septmeber 3rd and we want to give you a few quick reminders:
If you have not returned your registration forms, they must be turned in on Tuesday morning.
Every student needs a change of clothes to leave at Smart Start. If you did not bring your change of clothes to Open House, please bring them with you Tuesday.
We love connecting our learning environment with your home. We would like for each student to bring in a framed 4x6 photo for our family gallery.
Send a healthy, filling snack each day. Your child will also need a full bottle of water.
Dress for a mess and lots of active play! This includes proper footwear and proper undergarments when wearing skirts/dresses.
Drop off is at 8am in the back of the building at the gate. Pick up is at 12pm. Please stay outside of the gate. Make sure you have your pick-up card for identification at pick-up.
Make sure you have joined Remind. Our Class Code is @e4e2k86.
Use Remind to communicate any absences for sickness, travel, etc. It helps us prepare for the day if you can notify us ahead of time when your child will be absent.
Please remember that if your child is sick, they must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to Smart Start.
A few more things to know before we begin a new year:
You will receive a Remind notification each Friday with a link to our newest blog post and a graphic that we call Peek at the Week. This graphic highlights what we will be learning the following week so you can know in advance the concepts your child will be exploring. Sometimes the Peek at the Week will give you a heads up about a special event or celebration. If it is something we want to be a surprise for the students we will say that it's "Top Secret". That means we want parents to know and the students to be surprised.
We are constantly on the look out for behaviors and learning progress that we can affirm and encourage. To this end, students will periodically receive Brag Beads. These beads are a tangible way for us to highlight our students progress and growth. The beads are also used to mark special occasions like birthday and holidays. Brag Beads are collected in special jars throughout the year and will be placed on a necklace at the end of the year. These necklaces are presented to our students at our year-end Smart Start Celebration. This presentation serves a culmination of all their growth and development socially, emotionally, and academically and are a physical representation of their year at Smart Start.
We are not only teachers, but also fellow parents. We understand that sometimes children have a tough morning or that there might be something happening within your family that would cause your chid to need a little extra care when coming to Smart Start. On those days, you can simply say "Handle With Care" at drop off. No need for an explaination. That simple phrase will let us know that whether it was a late night with little sleep or a sick pet, your child needs some extra tenderness.
We are so excited about the new year! We cannot wait to see you on Tuesday morning!
Ms. Leah & Ms. Jacquita and the Smart Start Team