The queens and kings of our classroom were abuzz with news of royal weddings, kingdoms that had battled, then reunited, concerts from one of the most popular vocalists of their generation, fashions modeled by the most beautiful royal entourage you have ever seen, and critiques of the most delectable food trends brought forth from the King’s Kitchen!
The creativitity and imagination overflowed for letters Q and K! Our artists frequented our watercolor invitation to paint queens, kings, castles, tiaras, and scepters. Some of our artists designed a crown to wear in the classroom and bring home, others visited the reflection invitation. Frida Kahlo was our inspiration at this invitation. Using a mirror to study our reflection, we had the opportunity to create a self-portrait. We also started our Keith Haring inspired artwork as friends chose a pose and were traced. This process art will continue throughout the coming weeks.
Our builders and engineers had several tools to plan and construct a kingdom this week. Friends worked together to use one, some or all of the different tools to create a home fit for a king or queen. We explored building and moving kinetic sand with our hands and various tools. Friends were mesmerized as the kinetic sand would slowly move but when pressed into a mold and put onto the tray, it would hold the shape much longer than they expected.
We continued with our quartz exploration this week. We also discussed the role of the queen bee, sculpted honeybees, and placed them inside of our honeycomb. Kinetic energy was a topic that our friends were so excited to learn about, that we revisited it a second day! The first day we made catapults and the second day we made pompom launchers.
In Wiggle Room, we practiced staying in our kinesphere when moving. We also worked on exercising safely and played games together that required being quick. Finally, our friends expressed themselves creatively when journaling about being kind, illustrating kingdoms, and what they would do if they were queen or king for a day.
As sickness is picking up, please practice washing hands, using tissues and catching coughs. As always, make sure your child is well and fever free without medication for 24 hours before bringing them to Smart Start. We would also like to ask that you reinforce that being ready for Smart Start means having kind hands and using kind words. This includes using hands to clean up what has been played with, keeping hands in your own space and using words to talk to friends.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We appreciate all you do at home to help your child live in community with their friends when they come to Smart Start.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Leah, Ms. Jacquita, and the Smart Start team