Letter F week brought out a lot of creative energy with opportunities to paint flowers, design fashion and watercolor felines! Of course nothing can be more fun than doing those things with friends. We built structures with foam blocks and worked to free gems frozen in ice. We tested different items to see if they would sink or float, baked fudge brownies and observed flowers as they changed colors after adding food coloring to their water. Friendship bracelets were made and gifted to friends and our bodies were used as fireworks!
Our values at Smart Start are to be curious, be creative and be kind. As we are at the start of our year your child is learning how to live in community with others. Often times this can be an adjustment that you can help with by reinforcing this at home. "Use kind words". This can be practiced at the dinner table where you share a meal as a family. Have conversation and encourage your child to ask for help at home, followed by please and thank you. You can reinforce this behavior by saying, "Thank you for asking for help. I would be happy to help you." Kindness is being patient. A good way to practice this is waiting consistently, without a screen. Whether you are waiting at the doctors office or waiting your turn in line at the grocery store, help your child learn to wait patiently without a device as a distraction. "Use kind hands". That means hands are used for hugging, not hitting. This extends to toys. For example, if your child has been asked to put toys away and they throw them, try saying, "Try again" and show them how to do it. It is about making progress, and learning how. Patience also means we have to take turns winning and that can be a difficult learning experience. The book No Drama Discipline can be an excellent resource for you. As a team, we build on the principles this book outlines.
Reach out if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Leah, Ms. Jacquita and the Smart Start team