Letter Hh week was full of letter Hh and fall invitations. Friends gathered around the fall sensory bin and sorted through leaves, pumpkins and hay while others worked dough using their hands. Hair styling proved to be popular whether they were styling their own hair, styling a friend’s, opting to be a Barbie look alike or asking a pair of teachers to be the stylists. We worked on fine motor skills by threading wooden beads on pipe cleaners, went on a letter hunt, and used craft sticks to create Keith Haring inspired art.
We invited friends to have their hands or feet painted to make hoot owls and handprint leaves, and we discussed the different ways to describe the way the paint felt. Board games such as Hi Ho Cherry-O, Headbandz, and Husker Du proved to be favorites among our friends this week. We were so proud to see such good sportsmanship and patience taking turns! The Home Center was busy with bakers and chefs while building was full of friends seeing how high they could build homes and towers.
Habitats was our focus for Science on Monday and Tuesday. We painted backgrounds, colored animals, then sorted them into the habitat where they belong. On Wednesday and Thursday we did Tasty Science! Wednesday we tasted apples in three ways: fresh apple slices, freeze dried apples, and baked apple chips. Everyone voted for their favorite and we graphed our results. The winner by a narrow margin was….. the freeze dried apples! Thursday’s Tasty Science was three different products made with apples: apple cider, applesauce, and apple pie. Once again everyone voted for their favorite and we graphed our results. The winner by a landslide was….. apple pie! The difference in the two favorites was one vote with the overall favorite being freeze dried apples. We also revisited the flowers we put in tap water, Sprite, and sugar water solution. The takeaway was that soda and sugar is okay in small amounts and water is very healthy for living things, including us!
In case you have heard some new songs being sung by your child that you would like to sing along to, we have been singing some that you may remember from your childhood. A few we have been singing at Smart Start are: On Top of Spaghetti, Five Little Speckled Frogs, Old McDonald, BINGO, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and If You’re Happy and You Know It. If your child has a favorite we would love to know what it is! Please utilize Remind and send me the name of favorite songs we can sing together!
There are so many toys and tools that have small parts at Smart Start. Sometimes those things may find their way into your child’s pocket when they go to the restroom to wash their hands or when they move to another invitation. If you happen to find any of those things have made their way to your home, please send it with your child the following Smart Start day.
Just a reminder that Fall Break is the week of October 7th - 14th. Smart Start will be back in session on October 15th.
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Leah, Ms. Jacquita and the Smart Start team
Solution from left to right consists of: sugar water and green food coloring, Sprite and green food coloring, and tap water and green food coloring. The photo on the left was taken on Sept. 11th, two days after placing the flowers in the solution. The photo on th right was taken yesterday. It is a good visualization to demonstrate what good intake does for our body.